Between tradition and modernity

Is there a commune in France that can proudly boast the "Station verte de vacances" (environmentally preserved rural holiday destination) and "Station de tourisme" (tourist resort) labels and which enjoys the presence of a genuine tourism generator on its doorstep and such a large hotel accommodation capacity that puts others in the shade?

Yes: Chasseneuil du Poitou!

Since its star attraction, Parc du Futuroscope, opened in 1987, our town has been the welcoming host to over 30 million visitors who have also had the pleasure of discovering the other local features on offer.

Chasseneuil du Poitou skilfully blends tradition and modernity, and its reputation as a tourist destination extends beyond Futuroscope, with the Église Saint-Clément, the Moulin d'Anguitard, the theatre in the park, the park at Clos de la Ribaudière, and more besides. To find out more past and present gems that make Chasseneuil du Poitou sparkle, see our "Essential visiting" page. Consume without moderation.



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